Monday, September 22, 2008

happy monday~~^^

wohoo~~this is the 3rd day i have been went out continuesly...wakakaka
today..bash, cole, sonia, gong ee n me went to time square
morning..we meet at college..take some food..sattle down the locker thingy....about 1+pm..out we go....
we went there by train..of car wa...but is fun^^
Cole has pierce her tongue><..this is really scary...haha..looks really painful...ouch><.....this is the video i have took during the process~~

its kinda blur coz of my stupid handphone...hehehe...anyway...i start recording it since she sit on the 1st few minutes is kinda boring..hehe...anyway...hope shes alright dy loo...feels very pain><..... was really fun to go out with them..n this is my 1st time as well...hahahaha....gona miss them so so much><

after went home few hours later,me n my housemate n also lisa went for swimming...i finally can wen kena kacao by the that..we have our dinner/supper..buying burger^^ gona miss the burger soon....coz it is really too nice until can addicted to it..somemore i feel like eating it again n again n again~~~
nothing to say anymore....feel really happy today^^...wishing u all...happy training~~^^

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The song played in the shop is TVXq de song eh~ OMG~ So ngam!!! ><